About Eddie's Fund

In 2006, our 10-year-old son had a bone marrow transplant. While recovering in isolation at home, he determined to do something to help a bone marrow transplant family we had met while in the hospital. Something to help his new friend, Eddie. We started Eddie's Fund that week, and seven years later, as Eddie continues his post-transplant recovery and waits for a double lung transplant, our family of five continues to raise funds for Eddie and his family. 100% of all donations to the Fund are paid directly to bill companies to help Eddie's family financially manage the intensity of Eddie's recovery. On behalf of Eddie and his family, we thank you for offering hope and help and joining with us to support our buddy, Eddie.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thank you, friends!

Dear Supporters of Eddie's Fund,

You are AMAZING! We raised our $1,000 in a week and a half.

In fact, all together, you donated over $2,000 to Eddie's Fund this holiday season! In November, I was concerned because we didn't have enough to pay some December bills for the family, and to give them the Thanksgiving meal we usually provide...I put out a simple appeal, no prizes, no frills, nothing at all in it for any of you...and this has been our biggest fundraiser this year.

I'm speechless, especially because we've met our goal tonight, as Eddie settles into Children's Hospital for another overnight stay and MRI of his lungs. The doctors want to be sure his lungs are infection-free so that if lungs become available over the holidays, he could be ready to receive them.

So tonight I'm particularly grateful thatin a world with so much sadness and suffering, you each shine the lights you can--a meal here, a card sent in the mail there, $20, $100, $600, a commitment to give a little each month this year--and the result is a big, big glow.

Thank you, dear friends. Kori told me yesterday that she would not have survived these years without the love and encouragement they have received through Eddie's Fund...and I could never have imagined, back in 2006 when she and I met during our sons' bone marrow transplants, that her friends would become mine, and mine hers, and that the meeting of our two worlds would make the world for one brave kid so much brighter.

Merry, merry Christmas to you all, from Eddie's family and my own.

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Giving-est Week of the Year

Dear Friends,

Let's try together to donate $1,000 for Eddie's Fund this week. If just 40 folks give $25, we'd have $1,000, which would pay the bills the Fund covers for Eddie's family for over 3 months!

Tell your friends: When they donate $25 or more, Eddie's Fund will email them this gift card (http://bit.ly/1aMaIiy) to print and personalize as a gift for a friend or family member. Giving to others is truly the best holiday gift around!

You and your friends can make your online donations using PayPal and our link on the right. On behalf of Eddie and his family, thank you for your support of Eddie's ongoing recovery...let's make this week our giving-est of the holiday season so far!

With love,
Melissa for Eddie's Fund